Adult Ministries
Women's Ministry
Women of Purpose (WOP)
Mission Statement
We are Women of Purpose who Assimilate (seek out and bring in women), Develop (cultivate the potential in women) and Deploy (intentionally provide venues for works of service) by creating an atmosphere that promotes a more intimate relationship with Christ and by formulating a sisterhood that generates a spirit of safety in Bible study, in serving, in fellowship and in the gifts of helps to all women.

We seek to present women mature in Christ.
- I will seek to know and fulfill God’s PLAN and PURPOSE for my life.
- I will keep an UPWARD-LOOK with my eyes on Jesus.
- I will become ROOTED and grounded in the Word of God through faithful Bible study.
- I will PRAY faithfully.
- I will keep an OUTWARD-LOOK on people around me who are hurting and in need.
- I will STAY focused on lost women who need Jesus.
- I will be thankful and ENTHUSIASTIC about Jesus, my Church and Cathedral of Faith’s Women’s Ministry.
A “woman of purpose” understands that God has a plan and a purpose for her life.
Understanding God's Word
A “woman of purpose” knows the importance of rightly dividing the Word of God.
Rooted and Grounded in the Word of God
A “woman of purpose” is not tossed about with every “wind” of doctrine that is contrary to God’s Word.
A “woman of purpose” utilizes prayer as her primary source of communication with God.
Outward Look
A “woman of purpose” is people-centered, not self-centered.
Soul Conscious
A “women of purpose” has a burden and heart for the lost woman who needs Jesus.
A “woman of purpose” is thankful when she witnesses and experiences the move of God; thankfulness produces enthusiasm.